Nasal Congestion

Nasal congestion is caused by the continual production of mucus in the nasal passages even when cleared, which makes it uncomfortable for the patient to breath, smell or taste food.

Nasal congestion is the main complaint of patients who develop cold and flu.

Parks Medical Supplies stock a range of remedies for nasal congestion:

  • HAPPINOSE – A nasal balm with a eucalyptus oil as a natural decongestant.
  • Steam inhaler – A plastic cup, which can contain for example Friar’s balsam in warm water connected to a nasal mask. This direct warm inhalation helps to clear the nasal passages quickly.
  • Vicks vapour rub
  • Friar’s Balsam
  • Olbas Oil inhalant oil and pastilles
  • Vicks Micro mist nasal spray
  • Vicks 1st Defence nasal spray
  • Sterimar cold stop and protect
  • Sterimar range – 100% natural purified sea water, used as a nasal wash. The range is steroid and preservative free.
  • Sterimer Congestion Relief nasal spray.


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