
Head lice is an insect infestation which is mainly associated with children and it is passed from dirty infected hair to clean newly washed hair.

The head lice lifecycle means that eggs are produced which hatch into larva in a warm atmosphere.

To check for lice, wet hair and pass the head lice comb looking for larva or eggs, by putting hair on a white surface. Headlice eggs will stick to the hair but larva may be seen moving through the hair. Both may be found behind the ears and or at the back of the neck.

All family members should be checked, but only treat those who show signs of head lice infestation as treating all people can create resistance to the head lice solutions.

Apply the treatments following the instructions very carefully.

Towels and bedding with night clothes along with combs and hats should be washed to remove any eggs.

The infected person should be rechecked on a regular basis, using the detection comb on wet hair.

Repellent solutions or different scents can be used to stop the infection returning soon.

The most common way of acquiring headlice is when a clean head touches an infected one.


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