Dry Eyes

Eye moisturisers:

  • VISUALIZE – This contains Hypromellose 0.3% solution, which resembles natural tears.
    Can be used by contact lens wears.
  • Murine Bright and Moist – Contains Hypromellose 0.3% and naphazoline, a brightening agent .
  • Murine Dry and Tired – Contains Povidone and potassium Chloride , both form a lubricant gel which has an eight hour protection of moisture for the eyes.
  • Murine Refresh and Soothe – has Phospholipidic and others which can be sprayed onto the closed eyelids to provide moisture and comfort.
  • Murine Advanced Dry Eye Relief – Contains the moisturiser Sodium hyaluronate and salts which work quickly to assist the eyes. Any remaining drops can be discarded after 90 days usage. Very economical if it needs to be used regularly during the year.
  • Murine Contact Refresh and Clean – Contains Polyhexanide and Povidone. This drops can be used whilst the contact lens are in place.