Modern recommendation  from Healthcare practitioners is for the public to actively participate in sports.  Doing regular sporting activities not only  prevents gradual ill health but reduces the impact of diseases such as diabetes or  high blood pressure on the individual and family members.

But sudden injuries such as straining of the muscles  together with bruises and cuts can suddenly occur.

Parks Medical Supplies stocks a complete range of hot and cold packs,  internal and external pain relief medication ,to be used as soon  the sports  injury first occurs.

Starting with  the standard ankle, knee, wrist and elbow support, these are  available   in various tensions which when worn provide extra support at the site of the injury.

The sports therapy range contains unusual items  such as neck collars, arm pouch, thumb splints,  calf or thigh support and a lower back support .



These days getting an appointment at the local GP surgery can involve a long difficult  wait .

Having a self monitoring device such as a Blood Pressure monitor or a blood glucose monitor for diabetic patients to use in the comfortable surroundings of home can  all help with the patient’s wellbeing.

Patient’s can be motivated to concentrate and improve their health by the regular uses of,  for example blood pressure machines.

Parks Medical Supplies stocks devices  where the results can be sent by the  internet to their healthcare adviser at the surgery. This helps if the patient is not able to attend appointments  but still needs close monitoring of their condition.

There is even a glucose monitoring device with voice activation, helpful  if the patient has poor vision.

Both of these ranges  are readily availiable but if you need more information or require a special order.

Please telephone 01273 562810 or send an email to

You will receive a reply in less than 24 hours


Best Wishes

All of the staff at Parks Medical Supplies