Child Nasal Congestion

The production of nasal congestion in infants can be distressing.

Treatment needs to start quickly before the congestion is established, which could lead to a visit to the local surgery.


  • FORTUNA baby nasal aspirator, which is a drug free bulb device used to suck and clear congestion from each nostril. It can be cleaned, dried and reused.
  • CALPOL VAPOUR PLUG IN when used gives out eight hours of natural decongestant ( lavender and chamomile) to help breathing while the infant sleeps. Refill pads are available.
  • CALPOL nasal drops or spray ( 0.9% sodium chloride )
  • STERIMAR BREATHE EASY BABY nasal spray (100% natural sea water), from birth .
  • OLBAS oil for children decongestant oil from cajuput and eucalyptus , for children over 3 months.
  • SNUFFLE BABE decongestant balm of eucalyptus and menthol for children over 3 months.
  • VICKS BABY RUB  decongestant balm of aloe Vera, Rosemary and Lavender for children over 6 months.